NEWS: 22/04/2024 - Open for orders based on an order list, leadtime may be as long as 12 weeks presently
Current stock: - no hazel products other than beanpoles, very limited Sweet Chestnut stock left.
Overall limited- most of this year's cut produce is now earmarked to fulfil existing orders. This doesn't mean I can't take new orders for limited amounts of certain products, but will be unlikely to be able to accept new large orders for things like post and rail fencing, large orders of cleft stakes, large orders of poles etc.
I am having to monitor the current prices carefully, given the current economic situation. Whilst I will make every effort to keep my prices low, I may have to increase prices directly in line with expenses accordingly. Thank you.
Contact me by filling in the form below or email [email protected] or call/text 07984 807537
If you leave a voice message via my mobile and don't receive a call back within a few days, please consider following up with a text or email as occasionally I can miss voice messages. Email is best, texting is good too, calls just depend if I am in the woods or not.
For the Chestnut I am cutting near Petersfield area GU31
For the Hazel I am cutting near Emsworth area PO9
Only the fields marked with * are essential. PLEASE NOTE - I'll be away from 23/04/2024 for 1 week so won't be replying to requests that come in during that time.
Current stock: - no hazel products other than beanpoles, very limited Sweet Chestnut stock left.
Overall limited- most of this year's cut produce is now earmarked to fulfil existing orders. This doesn't mean I can't take new orders for limited amounts of certain products, but will be unlikely to be able to accept new large orders for things like post and rail fencing, large orders of cleft stakes, large orders of poles etc.
I am having to monitor the current prices carefully, given the current economic situation. Whilst I will make every effort to keep my prices low, I may have to increase prices directly in line with expenses accordingly. Thank you.
Contact me by filling in the form below or email [email protected] or call/text 07984 807537
If you leave a voice message via my mobile and don't receive a call back within a few days, please consider following up with a text or email as occasionally I can miss voice messages. Email is best, texting is good too, calls just depend if I am in the woods or not.
For the Chestnut I am cutting near Petersfield area GU31
For the Hazel I am cutting near Emsworth area PO9
Only the fields marked with * are essential. PLEASE NOTE - I'll be away from 23/04/2024 for 1 week so won't be replying to requests that come in during that time.
Optional detail below - for your information only.
The graph below is a useful indicator regarding ordering, especially of chestnut stakes, poles etc, as well as any hazel product.
It shows the months along the bottom with a relative vertical scale, indicative only; tying in when I am cutting/processing last/this winter's felled wood, what my stock levels might be with the most important factor in RED being when during the year it is best to order.
It is for information only and not meant to discourage you from ordering at all but I like my customers to understand how I work seasonally in the coppice trade. It demonstrates why September -> January are by far the best times to place any orders, especially large ones.
I am GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) compliant, so if you wish at any point for me to remove details I have about you, submitted via this form, or wish to know what data I have, please ask. Thank You.